Talent Dynamics ensures highest job satisfaction for your current, and new employees.

In a crisis, change is inevitable, as business owners make tough decisions on how best to keep the business going. Pivoting their businesses, redundancies or restructuring is key to survival for some organisations. It is really challenging, difficult and unsettling for the team, causing major disruption, loss of productivity and absences due uncertainty. Great business recognises that people are their biggest asset.

When making changes to peoples roles, for example, this could be merging 2 positions together whilst decrease team numbers or permanent changes due to the business evolving, it is critical you identify the best person for the role by understanding their natural talents. When someone is doing a role or tasks that they are naturally talented in they are successful, happy, engaged, super productive and create a huge amount of value.

Communication is key to the success of the changes. The leader of the business may not know what talents their employees have outside of what they have been doing in their normal role. We use a business tool “Talent Dynamics” when supporting our clients with role changes and recruitment. Once you know where their talents lie you can then hold a discussion with the individual and create a role that will give the employee job satisfaction but also the company will see a quicker return on the changes. The leader will need to onboard them quickly for minimal disruption and start adding value quickly.

Let me give you an example at LHR; our Office Manager looks after the team, administration, payroll and me! I’m a blaze energy, I’m great at building relationships, networking, supporting people. I’m not so great at organisation, detail work or spreadsheets. Every year I had to take 3 to 4 days out of my diary to complete a years’ worth of mileage, every year I said I would do it monthly. It completely takes me out of my flow completing these types of tasks, drains my energy and I’m easily distracted. The first job I gave to our Office Manager was my expenses. After 2 months I asked her if they had gone to the accountant as she hadn’t mentioned it, she looked at me as if to say why wouldn’t they have gone. It’s a job she has satisfaction from. We are all different energies and when we play the game to our energy, we are more successful. Equally, I would not ask her to attend a networking event, that would put fear into her.


Here are some top tips:

Involve your team in the changes, ask them what their “superpowers” are. What do they enjoy the most? Three things they want to keep in their role and 3 things they would like to lose? What gives them the most energy, you know the tasks, you look at the time and its flown by. What drains their energy, easily distracted, feel lethargic thinking about it, keeps moving down the list.

If you want to know more about Talent Dynamics or need some support please call 01254 271024 for a free confidential discussion and/or email laura@lh-recruitment.co.uk