An exciting and different approach to conventional recruitment…
‘Talent For Good’ offers an exciting approach to recruitment, and has already been successfully utilised by many of our clients from across the United Kingdom… Talent For Good is our full 360 recruitment service, but incorporates Talent Dynamic Profiling, with additional onboarding, an extended rebate period and retention support for up to 12-months.

What is Talent For Good?
Traditional recruitment is great for organisations who know the type of person they need and have a robust recruitment strategy. But what about the businesses that aren’t so sure, or don’t know how to attract the talent they need in a competitive market. And once they have hired someone, how do they retain them?
As we know, 2020 saw many challenges in the recruitment market. But rather than just standing still, the team at LHR thought proactively and stepped in to help clients when they were trying to replace an employee who was leaving, or when they were adding a team member due to growth.
For example, a common mistake employers often make is dusting off the job description of the person who is leaving and rushing to recruit based on the same job specification.
Instead, we suggested business owners take a step back and think about how their business has evolved. How would new skills and responsibilities help to expand or change the role? By adding responsibilities or changing the focus of the role, would the changes help to grow the business faster, or in a different direction? With our help and assistance, business owners could get a clearer picture of what they truly needed.
With this new methodology, we launched ‘Talent for Good.’ This new consultative service better supports our clients in understanding who they really need to hire and supports them through the recruitment, onboarding and retention of that person. In addition, business owners benefit from the peace of mind of an extended hiring rebate period that they can choose.
Peace of mind from the start.
Our Talent for Good product gives you complete peace of mind from the start and extra support onboarding and retention for up to 12 months. With this package you choose how long you want to your rebate period for, that is the difference than any other recruitment agencies offer, you are in control!
Learn from our experience…
We know from our own experience and working with different employers that one of the challenges for SME’s to identify the talent needed for the business, as well as sourcing and retaining them. Businesses can’t attract the right candidates, they recruit the wrong people for the culture and team dynamics spend £1000’s and don’t see a return on investment; and have little knowledge of onboarding and retaining great talent…
With shocking stats of 52% of new starters already looking for their next role within the first 6 weeks, 33% within the first 6 months of starting a new job. The reasons given were “the job just wasn’t what I was expected”, “I didn’t fit in” and “I got no training”. All of these comments are hardly surprising, as companies aren’t confident in getting it right the first time.